WhAt the fack is LilAc Attitude?
Lilac Attitude stands for: Pogo-jumping rhythms +++ noisy licks +++ dirty-love-filled vocals +++ diversity & hope for planet earth.
It's been 30 years since grunge exploded and finally died of old age, but together they decided: No more. Jacky (keys, vocals), Daisy (guitar), Raku (bass) & Squid (drums), got themselves some microphones, amps and a whole new attitude – it’s the lust for life – Lilac Attitude.
After finding comfort and noise in each other's dreams and screams, they just started playing. And play they did! Wherever they could - - - whenever they could.
The songs emerged just as naturally as you would expect from GenZ - but don't be fooled! Lilac Attitude are no squad of modernly saturated, information overdrive hipster zombies. They are neo-romantics through and through, throwing glitter and prosecco around, writing love songs about each other and kicking the conformists where it hurts them the most.
It's about embracing, jumping, singing and believing that a Lilac Attitude can get you through life in style.
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Something is coming soon…